Literacy Matters – Higher (HLTA)

Literacy Matters – Higher (HLTA)


Literacy Matters Ltd HLTA training dates and venues.
See the map below for training in your area

To apply for training:
First apply for TTA grant funding from your LEA
When your application is approved you can register for training on the HLTA website:
LEAs are at different stages in the process af selecting candidates for HLTA. You will need to contact your LEA for details.

You can only register for training through the TTA’s electronic registration form.
During this process you can select your prefered training provider. The website also provides details of the training providers in your area.

If you feel that, whilst you are not yet ready for the Assessment route, the Full (50 day) training course is more than you need, could you please answer our ‘third route’ questionnaire.

You can also help us by completing our survey form

Click on an area on the map to find HLTA training in your area

Yellow indicates the north west region

Blue indicates the east midlands region

See the HLTA official website for training in other areas.

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See also  Literacy Matters - Age Groups
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